Build the Strength Within

Workshops and Membership Program

1.5-Day Group Workshop (Live)

  • Live 1.5-day, in-person workshop with Dr. Deb Carlin and Tessa Greenspan -- August 14 (10-8) & August 15 (10-3)

  • Vibrant but relaxed walks through the BSW Blueprint™

  • Rapid positive change -- in less than two days. Experience the release of tension learning reliable mind body healing techniques

  • Bonus training from bestselling author Tessa Greenspan re: her journey from poverty to abundance

  • Beautiful setting. Live music with our good friends, the ever popular Misty & Kevin Pennington, and great food

  • Surprise gifts

  • Twice-monthly group Zooms with Dr. Deb Carlin and Tessa Greenspan (ordinarily $300/month)

  • One year of access to BSW Online Course (ordinarily $2,500)

  • Membership in the Build the Strength Within Online Community where you can interact with Dr. Deb Carlin, Tessa Greenspan, and other members in a safe environment, separate from social media. Anonymity protected.

  • One-on-one Zoom sessions with Dr. Deb Carlin and Tessa Greenspan. Four total sessions (one every three months), spread over one year. (Ordinarily $4,000)

  • Monthly Morning Coffee (live meeting) with Dr. Deb Carlin @ Boat House in St. Louis.

  • 1:1 text access to Dr Carlin & Tessa Greenspan

  • 1 special lunch with Dr Carlin & Tessa @ their Top Secret Favorite Place


(One year of access)

Financing available.
Click here for details.

Not to worry if you missed the April event. This is just the beginning!

We will be posting the schedule of our events throughout 2024 this coming week.

We are looking forward with great anticipation to having you join our events and community in the coming weeks!